Net zero

Our net zero roadmap sets out our journey to a net zero future. And defines the actions we’re taking to reduce our carbon footprint.

Our journey to net zero

Our goal is to make the biggest possible impact on a net zero future. To achieve this, we’re working to deliver net zero shows and run a net zero business by 2030. We’re also committed to inspiring and enabling our industry to work toward net zero.

How we’ll achieve net zero

We’re adjusting how we operate to reduce the emissions we generate. We’ll keep on reducing our emissions year on year, until it’s impossible to reduce them further.

Our three-fold strategy will see us consistently reducing our show, our business operation and our supply chain emissions; carbon offsetting unavoidable emissions by investing in nature, and sharing our journey as we go—making the most of our industry’s unique ability to be a global driver for positive change.

Our net zero actions

01. Reducing

01. Reducing

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions at our shows

To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at our shows and throughout our business, we’re working to measure our total emissions. And using that insight to guide and inform how we reduce those emissions not just at our shows and in our business, but throughout our supply chain.

We’re working with our exhibitors and booth builders to reduce GHG emissions by steadily increasing their usage of reusable and sustainable materials. Our vision is a future where all exhibition booths are 100% reusable and sustainable.

We’re measuring and reporting on travel emissions for everyone attending our shows. And we’ll continue to encourage and promote the most sustainable travel options.

Coloured geometric shapes

02. Offsetting

02. Offsetting

Offset remaining hard-to-reduce GHG emissions

While we work on reduction and avoidance, we’re developing a carbon offset strategy for unavoidable GHG emissions. We see carbon offsets as an opportunity to invest in nature, in vital environmental projects, rather than a free pass for us to carry on with business as usual. 

We’ll broaden this positive proactive approach by offering options to offset unavoidable travel emissions to everyone attending our shows.

Yellow and red circles

Throughout 2024 we’ll be working on accurate ways to measure the environmental impact of our events.

We’ll set out our criteria for cost-effective and environmentally sound offsetting partnerships.

We’ll continually measure and reduce our emissions year on year offsetting the remainder.

03. Leveraging

03. Leveraging

Leverage our leadership position to inspire and enable action

We’ll share our journey as we go, making the most of our global meetings and events industry’s unique position to act as a change agent in the climate crisis.

Meetings and events are where every industry comes together to shape its future. Our industry can ensure climate action is on every single one of those meeting and event agendas. And we, as an industry, can also influence positive change by organizing, and advocating for, more carbon friendly events.

We know that meetings and events play a vital role in sharing innovation and best practice. Let’s use them to inspire both individual and collaborative action toward a global net zero future.

Pink heart shape on white background

IMEX Frankfurt

As we work on a data-rich benchmark to track savings and reductions, and to manage and mitigate event emissions from, here is the current IMEX Frankfurt state of sustainability play.

IMEX Forest in Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt sorts and recycles all leftover waste: 99.5% of all waste at our shows is diverted from landfill for recycling, community donations, or energy conversion.

We offer clearly labelled low carbon, waterwise, vegetarian, vegan and regional catering, and compostable service ware and food packaging. 95% of service ware is recyclable, reusable and single-use plastic free.

The iconic IMEX Frankfurt red carpet is recycled. Our reusable signage is designed with longevity on plastic-free, recyclable paperboard. Water fountains render single-use plastic bottles obsolete. Name badges are collected for recycling by Terra Cycle Europe.

IMEX Frankfurt is powered by 100% renewable hydroelectricity, eliminating around 90 metric tons of CO₂ emissions.

We do everything we can to help our exhibitors reduce their environmental impact, from the materials they use to build their booths, to the catering they choose for booth events.

We support local Frankfurt welfare charities, Haus Lichtblick and Stiftung Waisenhaus, as well as the ShoutOutLoud food distribution network and social enterprise.

We’re working with TRACE by isla and our suppliers to measure our total show and supply chain emissions.

IMEX Frankfurt 2023 sustainable event report

What we’ve started

IMEX America

We’ve worked with our sustainability consultants MeetGreen from the outset of our IMEX America journey. Here’s how sustainability currently stacks up at IMEX America.

IMEX donation banner at IMEX America

More than 90% of waste is diverted from landfill for recycling, composting or community donation in Las Vegas, meeting the threshold for a zero-waste event.

We offer clearly labelled waterwise, meat-free and emission-friendly catering. Sustainable service ware and food packaging is routed to Terra Firma Organics for composting. Leftover food is donated to the Three-Square Food Bank.

Over 80% of our exhibit hall carpet (made from part-recycled material) is reused, and the remainder recycled. Water refill stations and aluminium water bottles have eliminated the sale of single-use plastic bottles. Our plastic-free recyclable paperboard signage is designed to be reused at subsequent shows.

IMEX America is 30% powered by solar energy.

We do everything we can to help our exhibitors reduce their environmental impact, from the materials they use to build their booths, to the catering they choose for booth events.

We support local Las Vegas community charities, Opportunity Village, Spread the Word Nevada and The Shade Tree Shelter, making both financial and show material donations.

We’re working with TRACE by isla and our suppliers to measure our total show and supply chain emissions.

IMEX America 2023 sustainable event report

Our net zero heroes

We’re working closely with sustainability consultants MeetGreen, using TRACE by isla’s carbon measurement platform, and support the Net Zero Carbon Events movement.