Event industry career advice for starting out

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By IMEX Group

4 minutes

Advice for starting your events industry career 

Whether you're a recent graduate or a newcomer to the industry, beginning a new career in the events industry might feel daunting. But even the most successful eventprofs started out young and in need of guidance. So, if you’re in need of a little inspiration, we asked four event profs who started out young and are now thriving for the advice they would give to their younger selves.

Networking at events 

Networking is key to your career success, says Felix Willert, Event Design & Management, innovate! and member of PCMA’s 20 in Their Twenties 2021. 

“Get out there and build a network! Get to know lots of people in the industry, because ultimately, it’s about constantly learning new things and taking opportunities. There are a lot of great people and events out there that you can learn so much from.

“If you get stuck, there’s always someone who is willing to offer you support. There are only a few industries like ours that benefit so much from a strong network and where there are so many helpful people.”

Explore different events careers

“Don’t be afraid to blaze your own trail" says Juliet Tripp, Deputy Head of Global Events at Chemical Watch, Events Industry Coach and Speaker. "This is such an incredible industry with so many options for career paths… and they absolutely don’t need to be linear. Learn as much as you can, meet as many people as you can, challenge yourself and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Be the one that puts their hand up for extra responsibility or the one that goes the extra mile.

“By doing these things and saying yes to opportunities that light you up, you can truly create your own career path. “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” - Maya Angelou”

Learn from other event professionals 

“Don’t be afraid to explore" says Dan Noyce, Senior Relationships Manager, IMEX Group and member of PCMA’s 20 in Their Twenties 2021. 

"There’s so much out there to be involved in and room to continually learn and grow. This industry is full of the best people you will ever meet. Network, learn from others and participate. You’re always going to be welcomed with open arms.

“Secondly, you’re in control of how you show up and how you lead. It’s never too early or too late to begin your leadership journey. Remember: start before you are ready, as being ready doesn’t exist.”

Suzanne Mulligan, Head of Engagement at IMEX Group agrees. “Keep learning from the people around you. They have the experience and the wealth of knowledge that will help you to grow.

“It’s a total cliché but trust the process, be open to what’s coming and follow what makes you happy whenever possible. Enjoy every minute of the next 10 years – you’ll get to travel, meet new friends, fall in love (with a human and your job) and grow so much!”

Level up your events industry exposure

The IMEX-MPI-MCI Future Leaders Forum is a unique and free opportunity for students to gain expert insight into the meetings industry. It’s designed for you make valuable industry contacts, experience high-quality education and visit one of the biggest meetings markets in the world—the IMEX show floor.

If you’re an ambitious student entering your final year of a hospitality, event or tourism management course, the Future Leaders Forum is for you. Gain expert insight into the meetings industry, learning from and connecting with inspirational industry experts and fellow students. Over the two-day program, you’ll make valuable industry contacts, benefit from high-quality education and visit the heart of the meetings industry, IMEX.

Join us at the IMEX-MPI-MCI Future Leaders Forum

About the author

IMEX brings the global meetings and events community together to power profitable connections, foster innovation, spark inspiration, and propel purposeful progress at two world-leading trade shows, IMEX Frankfurt and IMEX America.

We use our influence to unite, advance and promote a thriving global industry focused on positive change.

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