Report download: The Risks and Rewards of Extreme Innovation

By Kit Watts

2 mins

Many hands one on top of the other together as a symbol of diversity and inclusion

What can event planners learn from marketing and creative teams?

Extreme innovation at its best is intentional, systematic, and frequently the only way to create meaningful change. It’s also a culture and a practice for many of the world’s leading companies and their visionary leaders. 

Discover the creative process of extreme innovation behind the launch of Grazia UK, a magazine that took the market by storm and scooped eight awards within its first four years of launch.

The story of what happened between that first hunch and final magazine launch has lessons for every event planner, every creative team and even every CMO. Download the report now!

Innovation tips for event planners

1. Use innovation as a way to spark meaningful change
2. Look for opportunities within the marketplace
3. Don't be afraid to take a risk
4. Find a strong team who are well-organized, systematic and motivated 
5. Know when it's time to follow and hunch, and when it's time to be strategic
6. Build trust through transparency
7. Don't forget to have fun
8. Practice. Tweak. Refine. Practice
9. Get the look and feel right
10. Know your customer

“The parallels between events and magazine production are many. Both are here one minute, gone the next. Both are produced in a flurry of intense, focused activity. Both require drive, creativity, tight deadlines, relevance, quality, consistency and memorability.”

The Risks and Rewards of Extreme Innovation is a distillation of the lessons learned by Anna Gyseman, IMEX Design Manager and Susanne Sykes, former Creative Director of Elle, Marie Claire and Grazia UK magazines. Both left successful jobs to be part of the launch team of UK Grazia - the first glossy weekly magazine for women in the UK. Download the report now!

Within its first four years of launch, UK Grazia had won eight design awards and completely reimagined the women’s weekly magazine offering.

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About the author

Kit Watts has worked with the IMEX team in several guises, including PR and content, since the first IMEX Frankfurt in 2003.

Kit Watts

Communications Strategist